Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Business of IT - Spin Cycle

The article linked below was published in the November 2011 edition of FedTech Magazine.

The article describes some "boorish" behaviors that sometimes emerge in the Federal IT community, for the most part resulting from the politics of Washington, DC.

Have you seen these or similar behaviors from your peers or agency leaders? What other behaviors have you seen in addition to those described here? Do these techniques "win" for those who use them, or do they backfire?


The Business of IT - Observations from the Field

The link below is to my article in the August 2011 edition of FedTech Magazine.

The article looks at the Obama administration's "25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Information Technology Management" in the Federal government. In doing so, I look at what the Plan accomplished - creating focus, establishing priorities - and also look at what remains to be accomplished, most importantly, implementing the Plan.

What do you think of the Plan? From your view, how well is implementation progressing? What do you think will ultimately be the results achieved and the benefits derived from this Plan?
