Thursday, November 15, 2012

Surviving Budget Chaos

The link below leads to my article with this title published in the November 2012 issue of FedTech Magazine.

For Federal CIOs, the pending sequestration, if implemented, will cause significant turmoil in funding agency IT operations and programs. But even if the sequestration is avoided, cutting Federal costs will be a key action area in moving towards a more balanced budget and reducing the deficit. How will Federal executives fare as they tackle this issue? Can CIOs effectively position IT as a significant tool for delivering efficiency?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Business of IT - A Tale of Two Strategies

The article linked below was published in the Summer 2012 edition of FedTech Magazine.

Developing a strategy to progress towards a desired end result is just one component of a successful program. Crafting plans and successfully implementing those plans are equally critical. In my Summer 2012 column in FedTech Magazine, I evaluated two recent strategies issued by the Federal CIO to assess the likelihood of their success. What do you think? To what degree will the Federal government be successful in implementing the shared services and mobile computing strategies released earlier this year?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why Big Data Is Big

The article linked below was published in the Spring 2012 edition of FedTech Magazine.

Big data is a hot new trend in IT, and the Federal government is moving to put it to use. Big data can help the government become more efficient, which is key in tight budgetary times. The use of big data also holds the possibility of moving government from a "reactive" stance to a "proactive" stance, where it actually attempts to prevent wrongs versus seeking redress - a much more impactive and fundamental change. Are you tracking this trend or working to use big data? Where do you see it first being applied? What are the short and long-term barriers that stand in the way?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Business of IT - Cloud's Dirty Little Secret

The article linked below was published in the Winter 2012 edition of FedTech Magazine.

Cloud computing has been a hot trend in computing over the last several years, and has been anointed a strategic initiative for the Federal government. Cloud holds great promise as a technology-based service offering that enables government to consolidate and save money as well as providing a platform for innovative new uses of technology.

To achieve the benefit of comprehensive savings and innovation, government will need to move past the "low-hanging" fruit implementations of cloud computing like email and web services and begin to redeploy agency mission systems to the cloud. This will require require major upgrades to systems, complex projects and high risk. How is your agency positioned to undertake this task? Is the journey ahead fully understood? Will government gain full advantage of cloud benefits, or just tangential returns?